He was gonna do what we all dreamed of
When he needed money he picked up his gun
Drove to the bank to get him some
Wish I could say that I thought he’d know better
than thinking he could get away with a life on the run
Now he’s in prison and mama’s tears are falling
I’ll see you in some years little bro.
A life of crime if ain’t worth living
for all the time hiding or in jail
I tried to help him but I should have dome better
Pick guitar and have fun not rob with guns
I guess you could say he fell in with the wrong people
What a waste of our precious time
If things had just gone a little bit different
brother would be standing by my side
1000 ccs between me and the road
hop on the saddle honey head for the hills
Motorcycle hummin All for the Thrill
Riding the highway, me and my gal
thunder of the pistons, making me feel like
Id like to show you my risk taking side
It’s my strongest side
It’s how I stay alive
When I say all for the thrill
I love that lady All for the Thrill
being around someone who loves me to
Hop on the saddle honey head for the hills
Honky Tonk All for the Thrill
Gonna stomp and swing like we born to do
Lets go see the band and drink our fill
Beer drinking daddy gonna laugh and talk all night
do everything right
forget real life
when I said all for the thrill
When I go to work honey All for the Thrill
of taking you out with all the frills
lets go see the band and drink our fill
Party Hard core All for the Thrill
lets do it some more, party hardcore
Every time I see her the thunder I feel
You can’t regret what you don’t remember
playing cards, throwing dice
You can’t regret what you don’t remember
You can’t regret what you forget
Till someone calls you up
And tells you a little story
All about yourself
You might regret what you don’t remembering
If you were a loud mouthed crying fool
You can’t regret what you don’t remember
Picking fights and being rude
You can’t regret what you don’t remember
Elephant in the room and a monkey on your lap,
squirrel in your arms, laying on your back
You can’t regret what you don’t remember
Every time you get lit
You upset and through hissy fit
You can’t regret what you don’t remember
In a place I’m unsure of, where time moves real slow
Where whiskey’s a memory on my breath and my brow
Was the feeling last night worth the feeling right now?
Right now my head is pounding green faced
I said I’d stop overdoing it this
I believe I had fun, but I ain’t quit sure how
Was the feeling last night worth the feeling right now?
When the barroom is closed, I’m in a vulnerable state
Don’t wanna go home, stay out real late
Woke up next to someone, ain’t sure who or how
Was the feeling last night worth the feeling right now?
What can be said to the one’s you love?
Don’t lie just don’t mention it
Why bring it up?
But my body and soul feels dried up and cowed
Was the feeling last night worth the feeling right now?
Although she is your friendly
She won’t ever let you choose
When it is you get the blues
Termites flying all around,
Stinging caterpillar on your arm,
Pothole swallow up your car,
Ocean wash away the shore
Lovers dreams end in vain
When you’re feeling that old age
When you’re lying in the clay
Mother nature wins again
Boulder fall and block the road,
Fire burn out of control
Wind so strong, you can’t walk
She looks so good I can hardly talk,
UFOs will abduct
Tornadoes and hurricanes and stuff
Getting called out on your bluff
Mother nature wins again
To the bottom of the bottle where some good times are stored
Beer and whiskey gonna take us away
Numb the pain for another day.
Another night gone wrong
Another honky-tonk song
Another spin around the world (the floor) we’re on
Another night gone wrong
But I feel so alive
I’ll be steppin out, every single night
I keep a joint in my pocket if I see you around
I got to take something for to calm me on down
Or I’ll be hollering and shouting, look what a fool I am
Betty don’t send me home alone again
I keep my fisted clenched up when a bully comes around
To the tavern by the rail yard or the levee down town
New Orleans, Louisiana if we don’t make it out alive
I hope to see you on the other side
I didn’t know till Mary came around.
But come to find out it ain’t so easy you see,
I love her but she don’t love me
I don’t wanna be in love, cause look at what it’s done
cause of how it feels when you loose someone
She’s right here with my, only in my mind
Memories linger for too much time
Oh what a mess
All I can do is mock myself,
Seek for better health,
Find someone else
I don’t want to be love, but I’m ready to have fun
I could use a friend from dusk till dawn
But watch yourself Cindy I could make you blue,
You love me but I don’t love yourself
I want to be in love, but I don’t know quite how
Until along comes Sue with the brightest smile
I’m no expert, but now I got a dream
I could love her and she could love me
I want to be in love, because of how it feels
When will memories turn on their heels
I once knew what it’s like to want to be true
Will I know it again will it be you boo
Or will we start all over and do it anew
Feeling mighty able
And the cards are looking right, gonna make some cash tonight
Just hold on
From the nine up to the queen
They just waiting in line to win
I was all in, if I was them I’d be grim
Just hold on
Might have spoken too soon
Flush beats straight and I’m a fool
Now my money’s all gone, guess I saw that wrong
Can’t hold on
Can’t hold on to my money,
But I can hold on to my dreams
Can’t hold on to this town
But I can hold a steering wheel
Can’t hold on to my brain
Can’t remember you’re name
Can’t hold on to this world
But I can sure hold a drink
All them kings and queens
Should have never meant that much to me
But when they’re spotted in a row, I tend to let that old cash flow
just hold on
Then the spades grew strongest
And the river done me wrong
Now my king and queen are dead, along with all the cash I had
Can’t hold on
Can’t hold on to my honey,
But I can hold on to my scheems
Can’t hold on to this town
But I can hold a steering wheel
Can’t hold on to my brain
Can’t remember you’re name
Can’t hold on to this world, But I can sure hold a drink
We don’t need no water, cause we’re in love
in this post apocalyptic New Orleans
Open your eyes, she’s burning up the floor
The way she’s moving, reminds me of
waves splashing on the shore
But this water’s on fire, watch the wave burn
I can’t tell if it’s natural or if it’s not natural
but I can tell there’s something going on
Flames are heating up
Damn it’s getting hot
so she don’t need no gown to go out on the town
She’ll take it around and boogie on down
in those hot pink yoga pants
I said hi with a look that said
It’s nice to see you, it’s been a long time,
how have you been?
The way she looked when she saw me,
it wasn’t so warm
She walked on by and said hi
a man rolls his eyes in the corner
It’s nice to see you but it’s not nice to be seen
I can tell from the look you gave
It’s a bad surprise to see me
It’s nice to see you but it’s not nice to be seen
It wasn’t so long ago,
you’d be out on the town with me
Now someone else takes you around
There is no us in we
So when you find out how to get what you want
be sure and let me know
Then every time I see yourself
I won’t want to go
Mad one glad to love three here for entertainment
This one come to make me miserable for daily living
She got one two three four five, no wonder I’m riled
I’m going drinking
In the morning time she’ll wake up loving, then I can’t do nothing
Dinner time, back on the fence, have a few drinks in the early evening
But when the night comes around, hard to know which one’s around
In the morning time she’s throwing a fit, says she bout to leave this nation
Then she loves me might just want to give, me some extra special attention
But when the night comes around, it’s hard to know which one’s around
Can’t put the hammer down baby till lunch comes around and again till the dust hits the earth
And on my way home from work what do I do? I hammer on throttle and I hammer down booze.
Got the hammer down blues and I’m highway bound
Will I go home or to another town
Doesn’t really matter what I do
Be swinging someone else’s baby to the hammer down blues
I throw it in the forge gonna melt my sword, just like you told me too
Pound it again with the hammer and then, temper it and let it cool
Heat it up again and bend it around
Daddy make the best steel that’s ever been found
I’ll twist off the cap like I screw in the scew
I’ll turn on the radio like I tune out you
In the mornin swing the hammer like John Henry again
When I get out of work tomorrow this is what I’ll sing
When I asked her to dance, was the worst insult she’s had
It’s said she’s well liked around this town
Just me and the wind is getting her down
When the wind was blowin, won’t step outside
When I tell her I love here, dissatisfied
Every day I still hear her name around my home
I just can’t take it she don’t love me no more
When the wind was blowing on the highway that night
I put my arms around her and she held me so tight
All this traveling and roaming, “I love you she said”
Will those words haunt me till I’m dead?
This time they ain’t after him, they want another man
But when they see him running, they give chase
But honor bound he won’t be found by cops on his own place.
The kid he couldn’t do nothing right.
Junky and a thief the lord couldn’t stand his sight
He wasn’t allowed nowhere in town
But it was funny when the cops were there…
Some folks do wrong when they should be doing right
Some act that way most days of there life
Stealing from your family no one can stand
But it was funny when the cops were there…
Thrown his shoes in the fire so he couldn’t be tracked
Buried himself in the mud with a straw sticking out
Then he run to his Mom’s house, what did she say?
Go turn yourself in boy, you’re trouble these days…
Why do I wonder?
Why do I need an alabi?
Live from day to day
Then you pass away
Live from day to day, You’re far away
Don’t feel like that, Don’t talk like that
Or you might pass away with naught to say
But the blues
And the truth is, you could find bliss a better way
Maybe not today drivin long highways
But when fall is here, won’t be moanin the blues
Along these highways
No time for no byways
Rushing from place to place should be settin my own pace
Live from day to day
Then you pass away
I met Rudy from Juarez
Things started out friendly, drinking and smoking
Living it up in the old familiar way
As things loosen up his mouth begins run
Bout the days running goods across the line
He was twenty years old and had the wounds to prove it
Said he’d died 5 minutes and came back alive
He pulled out his pistol, said he’d kill for nothing
I was thinking, “Time to say goodbye”
he shot into the ground with a real mean expression
I was gone real quick, “Fort Worth goodbye”
The funny thing was his grandma was in the house
ninety five years old and sitting there
I wonder if she knows how Rudy’s living
Running drugs, ditching hearses, killing men
Running from the men who want him dead
They was rambling and smiling and riding high
Got of in Meridian got back on again,
was the wrong train headed over too Jackson
Got off again start looking around,
there was nothing around, they’re miles and miles from town
Walking and walking, what did they find
A little bar by the railroad where they could go hide
Oh no, something’s wrong
It’s like they never seen a hobo before
My friends were just sitting there looking around, minding there own buisness putting their packs down.
Oh no, somethings wrong
It’s like they never seen a hobo before
Way out there in the industrial waste,
they don’t want no strangers in that place
The patrons there don’t look to good
One’s staring at the wall not saying a word
The found out in the back room with the klansman railroad picture and the folks playin pool
The hideaway is where people go to hate out loud ain’t noplace for a hobo trying to have a good time
The kkk is sad and they always wrong.
They ain’t got no railroads and they got no songs
If I could know just for a moment what it’s like to be her man
I know that’s just in dream, in the morning we’ll split apart
I’ll go down to North Carolina and you go to Arkansas
Bow Down to the road out of town
Come around to who won’t let you down
We found the road out of town
Come around and walking through
Those fields and hills and flowers
Yesterday maybe tomorrow
I can sit here in the winter time remembering our summer fun
Walking up a mountain, taking in the afternoon sun
Wildflowers were bluming, blue sparking in your eyes
It’s something to recall now all this snow is flying
gonna have some fun my friends and me
Got all dressed up got a bunch a beer
I was a devil with my lady in heels
Went to a party, what a good time
All those young people getting to high
I got so drunk it seemed to me,
I was a devil, little devil in me
When I was a devil and a devil was me
I left the world there spinning under me
It wasn’t wrong but it wasn’t quite right
Being a devil on Halloween night
I ate something and I went down
The world was spinning I wore a dark crown
I left my body, no one could see
I was a devil, little devil in me
Floating around saw my body on the ground
and the people on the dance floors really getting down
White rabbiting in there minds jack rabbiting on the walls
I was a devil, those were my laws
Woke up the next morning was that a dream
I asked my friends and they told me
The things I’d seen, all were real
I was a devil but lost my lady in heels
Talking to a real nice man, my friend I do declare
His wife came in a-crying, I couldn’t stand to hear
I asked her what the matter was and she said, “My Dear,
I can tell I’m getting older, I can hardly see
But I have to thread this needle, could you do that for me?”
Her husband he just grinned, gave me to understand
Sometimes all you neighbor boys can lend a helping hand
So I done my best to help her, I sewn that needle through
And we sewn together to beat the afternoon blues
In and out around and round the need and the thread
We sewn so much, its hard to believe, right there on her bed
Well now it’s time to go I know I’ve lent a helping hand
And if you need one tomorrow you can call me I’m you man
And this goes out to the lady’s, living all around:
If you need to thread your needle and sew a little in me a friend you’ve found
She’s standing in the corner
Does she know that I can see her there
The place was jumping
People was bumping
But her shadows taken me far away
Cause I still love her
Even though I’m a guitar picker
In this dingy old honky tonk bar
The last time I seen here
She was god damn meaner
Than a rattle snake who’s tale I stepped on
We were really going at it
We both had had it
With each other after all these years
But now that I can see her
I want to re-meet her
And start it all over again
Cause I still love her
Even though I’m a guitar picker
In this dingy old honky tonk bar
Said the old man “looking for wood to plane”
He’d plane it on down and pu on the strings
Bring it to the square dance, make the dobro sing
He made mandolins and guitars and he named them for his daughters
Named them for his granddaughters, as the years went on
And he’d give them to whoever he thought would use them better
And he had a lot of fun, and he never sold a one
Down in South Carolina where the hills roll so green
There’s an old man living be his own means
When he was young he played all the dance halls
Now he goes out once in summer and once in the fall
He’s ninety years old and he’d spin a tall tale
Some of it was real and some of it was fables
As the night got longer the pickin’d get hotter and
The tales would get taller till tomorrow come around
How can I give what I don’t have
No matter what I do, it’s “Jonny can’t get along with you”
She rolls her eyes and turns around
Some gals think it’s ok to treat their man that way
I know that cause I’ve been there many times
I’ll never get along with you, our love has made me a fool
She rolls her eyes and turns around
I know our days on earth are numbered
I can’t give you the time that I don’t have
So it’s no matter what I do, “Jonny can’t get along with you”
She rolls her eyes and turns around
Doe’s a man make a womans life complete?
Does a woman make a man’s life worthwhile?
If these things are true, why can’t I get along with you?
She rolls her eyes and turns around
Are we on another run?
Just out having fun?
I hope so cause that’s always the best
Though I’ll never get along with you and our love has made me a fool
What are these chains by which we’re bound?
She rolls her eyes and turns around
Sometimes you wake up and sometimes you’re wrong
Sometimes you wake up, been dreaming this song
And the plans that you make up sure don’t last long
Been making no money, been drinking too much
Expect me to sit here and wait for my luck?
Ghosts and the dreamlands and the mountains above
Sit down beside me and loosen me up
Sometimes I remember, I just don’t know why
I think of you and the times we passed by
Alone and spending this night in the woods
Moons just hanging there, smiling like I should